Couverture de J. Pathology issue de l’article décrivant l’analyse par 3P5 de 61 coupes FFPE
Azouzi S, Mikdar M, Hermand P, Gautier EF, Salnot V, Willemetz A, Nicolas G, Vrignaud C, Raneri A, Mayeux P, Bole-Feysot C, Nitschké P, Cartron JP, Colin Y, Hermine O, Jedlitschky G, Cloutier M, Constanzo-Yanez J, Ethier C, Robitaille N, St-Louis M, Le Van Kim C, Peyrard T. Lack of the multidrug transporter MRP4/ABCC4 defines the PEL-negative blood group and impairs platelet aggregation. Blood. 2020 Feb 6;135(6):441-448. 11. pii : blood.2019002320. doi : 10.1182/blood.2019002320. Label-free detection and quantification of rare blood group proteins and mutant proteins of the erythrocyte cell surface.
Maud de Dieuleveult, Marjorie Leduc, Eralda Salataj, Céline Ransy, Julien Dairou, Kengo Homma, Morgane Le Gall, Pascale Bossard, Anne Lombès, Frédéric Bouillaud, Laure Ferry, Pierre-Antoine Defossez, Jean-Charles Cadoret, Hidenori Ichijo, Stephen A. Wood, François Guillonneau, Ralf Dressel, Benoit Miotto USP9X deubiquitinase couples the pluripotency network and cell metabolism to regulate ESC differentiation potential Dépôt sur 2020 Jan 14 doi : 2020.01.13.904904 Identification and label free quantification
Rouis O, Broussard C, Guillonneau F, Boulé JB, Delagoutte E. Identification of hemicatenane-specific binding proteins by fractionation of Hela nuclei extracts. Biochem J. 2020 Jan 13. pii : BCJ20190855. doi : 10.1042/BCJ20190855. Analyse de protéines se fixant à des structures particulières d’ADN par AP-MS.
Ahmad R, Lahuna O, Sidibe A, Daulat A, Zhang Q, Luka M, Guillaume JL, Gallet S, Guillonneau F, Hamroune J, Polo S, Prévot V, Delagrange P, Dam J, Jockers R. GPR50-Ctail cleavage and nuclear translocation : a new signal transduction mode for G protein-coupled receptors. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2020 Jan 3. doi : 10.1007/s00018-019-03440-7. MALDI MS characterization of calpain cleavage capacity on GPR50 peptide sequence.
Malerba M, Louis S, Cuvellier S, Shambat SM, Hua C, Gomart C, Fouet A, Ortonne N, Decousser JW, Zinkernagel AS, Mathieu JR, Peyssonnaux C. Epidermal hepcidin is required for neutrophil response to bacterial infection. Remerciements in J Clin Invest. 2020 Jan 2 ;130(1):329-334. doi : 10.1172/JCI126645. MALDI-MS measurements of peptides after protease-induced cleavage.
Nkamba I, Mulet C, Dubey GP, Gorgette O, Couesnon A, Salles A, Moya-Nilges M, Jung V, Gaboriau-Routhiau V, Guerrera IC, Shima T, Umesaki Y, Nigro G, Krijnse-Locker J, Bérard M, Cerf-Bensussan N, Sansonetti PJ, Schnupf P. Intracellular offspring released from SFB filaments are flagellated. Nat Microbiol. 2020 Jan ;5(1):34-39.doi : 10.1038/s41564-019-0608-1.
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